Bang Bang Tofu

Are you looking for a dinner with a kick of heat? Check out this vegan meal from our Ambassador Kimberly!
2 packages of Miracle Noodle Angel Hair
3 cups broccoli
1 block/package smoked tofu
1/2 cup vegan mayo
1/8 cup sriracha
4 tbsp corn starch
3 tbsp refined coconut oil
1. Open Miracle noodle packages and place in a colander, drain and run under warm/hot water for 1 minute to rinse.
2. Transfer noodles to a frying pan with the refined coconut oil on medium/high heat and sauté to remove any excess liquid. At this point, you can also sprinkle with pepper and garlic salt - remove from pan and set aside in a bowl.
3. In a small bowl combine vegan mayo and sriracha - set aside.
4. Take out tofu and cut into cubes.
5. Take out a ziplock bag and put in the cornstarch.
6. Take cubed tofu and place in ziplock. Close ziplock and coat the tofu with cornstarch. Coating the tofu will help to crisp it up when frying in the oil.
7. Cut broccoli into florets and place in a microwave-safe bowl with 2 tbsp water. Cook on high for 4 minutes.
8. Take the refined coconut oil and add it to the frying pan that the noodles were in. Heat pan to medium-high heat then add the coated smoked tofu and brown.
9. Once browned add the noodles and cooked broccoli to the tofu.
10. Add in a couple of tbsps of the Bang Bang sauce (mayo & sriracha) and sauté until everything is coated.
11. Remove from heat and serve.
12. Add equal amounts of the sauce to each bowl and incorporate.
13. ENJOY!!