Butter Chicken

Looking for some indulgent comfort food that keeps it keto? This dish combines Miracle Rice and cauliflower rice for some real volume and taste! @lawyeronadiet wows us with her amazing Butter Chicken recipe that swears "is second to NAAN!"
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5 oz of chicken thighs
3 cherry tomatoes
1 onion
1 cup of cauliflower rice
1/4 cup of Butter Masala
Miracle Rice
1. Cube the chicken thighs. Marinate the chicken in the butter masala for 15 min. Melt butter in a pan and add marinated chicken to cook.
2. Slice up tomatoes and 1/2 onion and add to chicken, cook for about 20 minutes.
3. Add a cup of cauli rice to separate pot. Add one tablespoon of coconut oil. Keep mixing the cauli rice for about 3 minutes until slightly soft. Add pink salt.
4. Prepare Miracle Rice as per instructions on packaging. Toss into pot to heat, and add 1 tbsp of butter masala to flavor it.
5. Plate it up and top everything off with chives!