Chicken Pesto and Greens Pasta

Delly Kerachi is a Miracle Noodle fan who loves to play with ingredients to make the healthiest and tastiest dish around. Here she shows you how easy it is to take simple ingrdients and make a flavorful and filling meal with our Angel Hair.
Check out Delly on her page on her page at Dellysketokitchen!
1 package of Miracle Noodle Angel Hair
6 tbsp of pesto sauce (I get mine from Trader Joe's: the kale, cashew and basil vegan one!)
3 cups of shredded rotisserie chicken
1 lemon
1 tsp of lemon zest
2 cups of spinach
1 tbsp of minced garlic
2 cups of kale
2 cups of broccoli
2 tbsp of Ghee butter
4 tbsp of fresh grated Parmesan cheese
Spices, etc: Smoked paprika, onion salt, salt, fresh ground pepper, toasted onions and nutritional yeast (all for taste, I did not measure - use as you please)
Miracle Noodle Instructions
1. Boil your broccoli for about 6 minutes, rinse the water out and set aside.
2. Carefully bone your rotisserie chicken and set chicken aside.
3. Rinse your shirataki noodles in hot/boiling water for 4 minutes. After noodles finish boiling, rinse them out and pat them dry with paper towel.
4. Toss your noodles onto an over medium pan (no oil or water needed) for 5 minutes. Make sure the water fully evaporates before taking the noodles off of the pan. This might 3 minutes longer depending on the thickness of your noodles.
5. Pat down your noodles once again with paper towel. Cut your noodles in half with scissors if your prefer and set them aside in a bowl
Chicken Pesto Instructions
1. Saute your minced garlic for 3 minutes on a medium temperature skillet.
2. In a small bowl, mix your Pesto sauce,Ghee butter, and lemon juice together.
3. Toss in your kale, spinach and lemon zest into the skillet. After 3 minutes of mixing them around, add your pesto, Ghee butter, and lemon juice mix. Stir all ingredients together for another 3 minutes.
4. Add your cooked chicken and top it with all of your spices including salt and pepper. Stir well for 2 minutes.
5. Lower your stove temperate to medium-low, add your noodles and steamed broccoli. Stir well for another 4 minutes.
6. Pour if a serving bowl and top it with fresh grated Parmesan cheese.