Keto Arroz con Leche

Want to satisfy the sweet tooth? Try this dessert, made with our Miracle Rice! It’s easy and soooo good!
"This rice goes great with tea as a “boba”, in pudding as tapioca, or desserts. I also love this rice as a noodle in my soups. It’s so versatile you can practically use it for anything."
Recipe by Romina Rosa AKA @keto.mina.
Recipe by Romina Rosa AKA @keto.mina.
1 pack of Miracle Rice
3-4 cups of almond milk
1-2 packs of Truvia
Cinnamon sticks
1 tsp of cinnamon powder
1. Boil almond milk.
2. Add a cinnamon stick.
3. Continuously keep stirring so the milk doesn’t burn.
4. Rinse your rice while the milk & cinnamon boil.
5. Add the rice.
6. Let it slowly boil for 5 mins while continuously stirring. Add truvia.
7. Pour into a mug and add a bit of cinnamon powder.
Note: For a thicker consistency you can add a splash of heavy cream or xantham gum, both work just as great. Sweeten to preference.