Miracle Omelette

Gear up for a great morning! Here's easy, low-carb omelette recipe to try today.
1 package of Miracle Noodle Rice, rinsed, boiled and drained. Set aside.
50g onion
50g mushrooms
50g cherry tomatoes
Seasoning (I used Trader Joe's BBQ seasoning).
100g spinach and once it wilts
3 egg whites
Toppings of choice; Nia used almond butter and hot sauce.
1. In a small non-stick frying pan, saute onion, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. Add seasoning.
2. Add the Miracle Noodle rice and cook for 2-3 mins.
3. Add spinach and once it wilts, add egg whites.
4. Cook until the bottom of the omlette is cooked then pop under broil setting for 2-3mins.
5. Voila! Top with your choice of goodies!