Miracle Rice Breakfast Pudding

Ever had Miracle Rice pudding for breakfast? Mougeh has! Check out this delectable treat that's good for your gut and low-carb!
"Yes! MIracle Noodle makes rice! I have this pudding every morning and love it because of how it keeps me full, without the calories. It also gives me great energy for my workout! The mixture turns into the most delicious pudding consistency and can be made with a variety of flavors.
I love to make a big batch of these at night, divide into portions and eat throughout the week. Just add MIracle Rice to any of the pudding recipes in my book CHOW BELLA and never have a boring breakfast again!"
"Yes! MIracle Noodle makes rice! I have this pudding every morning and love it because of how it keeps me full, without the calories. It also gives me great energy for my workout! The mixture turns into the most delicious pudding consistency and can be made with a variety of flavors.
I love to make a big batch of these at night, divide into portions and eat throughout the week. Just add MIracle Rice to any of the pudding recipes in my book CHOW BELLA and never have a boring breakfast again!"
Recipe by Mougeh AKA @fitfoods on Instagram.
1 pack of Miracle Rice
1 cup of coconut milk
1/2 cup puréed berries
1 tbsp. black chia seeds
2 drops of stevia
Optional: Low-carb granola
1. Make the rice per package instructions and set aside.
2. Mix coconut milk, puréed berries, black chia seeds, stevia, and 1/2 cup of the rice.
3. Refrigerate for 20 min, garnish with berries, and granola. Devour!