Miracle Rice Protein Parfait

We want you to be able to enjoy delicious desserts anytime! Teri shows you how to make an amazing parfait to concur your sweet tooth!
"This was AMAZING! I love making treats that are packed with protein and satisfy my sweet tooth without breaking my macro bank. Miracle Rice is PERFECT for this dessert, and acts like a flavored boba when infused with a sugar-free drink mix. Try this the next time the cravings come calling!"
Recipe by Teri Marker AKA @fcpchick.
1 pack of Miracle Rice
Sugar Free Hi-C Drops in Orange
1 cup of 0% FAGE Greek Yogurt
1 tablespoon of sweetener
2 tablespoons Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 Scoop of Protein Powder of choice
MCTco Cocoa Bar (keto meal bar)
Pomegranate Seeds
Walden Farms International fruit spread in raspberry, strawberry, or cranberry.
1. Prepare Miracle Rice according to package. Do not skip dry roasting.
2. Place Miracle Rice in a container. Squeeze in enough Hi-C drops and mix till all the rice is coated. Refrigerate.
3. Mix together yogurt, protein powder (I used 1st Phorm's Ice Cream Sandwich), sweetener, and almond milk. Combine till smooth and refrigerate for 30 min.
4. Take MCTco cocoa bar and pulse (not too much) in a blender. Set aside.
4. Take Walden Farm's spread (desired amount for bottom layer). Chop into pieces. Set aside.
5. Assemble parfait after 30 min. Start with fruit spread, then protein yogurt, flavored Miracle Rice, protein pudding, @mctco bar bits, protein pudding, and lastly, pomegranate and more bar bits.
Feel free to play with different fruit flavors with this combination to compliment the orange and pomegranate.
If you're keto, use a higher-fat Greek yogurt.
You won't need to use the entire MCT Co bar, but I can't blame you if you do! You can also use your favorite keto meal bar or keto granola.