Mussels with Miracle Noodle Angel Hair

Here's a delicious seafood dish to inspire you in the kitchen! Learn about the amazing health benefits of this tasty meal featuring Miracle Noodle and great protein from mussels.
1 lb of fresh mussels, scrubbed and de-bearded, removed from shells and rinsed thoroughly
1 cup of Swiss chard (or dark leafy greens of your choice), chopped
2 packets of Miracle Noodle Angel Hair Pasta
2 tablespoons of Kerrygold butter
1/4 cup of dry white wine
1 tablespoon of lemon thyme, fresh
1 tablespoon flat-leaf Italian parsley, fresh
1/2 cup of freshly-grated Parmesan cheese
Squeeze of lemon, fresh
Optional: red pepper flakes
1. Cut bag of Miracle Noodles open with scissors and drain in colander/strainer for one minute in cool water. Lightly boil noodles for 2-3 minutes. But no more than 3 minutes! Drain noodles completely.
2. In large saute pan or dutch oven, over medium heat, melt butter until bubbling slightly. Add rinsed mussels and cook about 2 minutes. Then add the chopped Swiss chard and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add white wine and cook to reduce sauce slightly.
3. Remove from heat and add fresh herbs, Parmesan cheese, and squeeze of lemon (and red pepper flakes if desired). Toss and serve immediately. Serves 2 hungry people. Enjoy!