Oxtail Bone Broth Noodle Soup

Sure, you've tried chicken and beef bone broth, but have you tried our noods in a homemade Oxtail version? Alexia made her own bone broth, then a soup with it that includes our angel hair. We think it's to DINE for! Try this recipe from Alexia!
Recipe by Alexia Aleman AKA @accidentalparisiancook.
1-2 lbs bison oxtail
3 quarts water
1. Put bison oxtail into a 3 quart pressure cooker. If you use a bigger one just fill it to the 3 quart mark.
2. Fill with water to the max level.
3. Cook 4 hours on high.
4. Remove bones. Refrigerate overnight.
5. Remove the top layer of fat. AKA degreasing.
1.5 cup oxtail soup
3 Tbsp coconut aminos
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp Red Boat fish sauce
3/4 tsp black truffle salt
3/4 tsp granulated garlic
1/4 tsp chili powder
1 pinch ground clover
2 medium limes juiced
1 pack Miracle Noodle Angel Hair
1 cup spinach
1 cup arugula
1. Rinse Miracle Noodle for 15 seconds, then soak in a bowl of water 5-10 minutes.
2. Heat up bone broth, coconut aminos, fish sauce, spices, limes.
3. Once the broth is liquid add spinach and arugula. Cover. Simmer on low 5-7 minutes.
4. Stir in Noodles. Let simmer a couple minutes. Enjoy!