Shrimp with Pink Sauce

Taylor tried us out and made this tasty dish!
Check out what she thought, then try this recipe.
"NEW-TO-ME PRODUCT // Miracle Noodle was generous enough to donate to my birthday swag bag, tonight is my first time trying them. It’s 0 smart points for
3 oz and 1 sp for 6 oz. Very similar texture to a glass noodle.
HONEST OPINION: I didn’t miss the pasta. I really like it! Let’s be real, the noodle is just the vehicle for the sauce anyway. Pictured is their Angel Hair. It cooks in about 5 minutes including all 3 simple preparation steps.
I’m excited to try other varieties."
Recipe by Taylor AKA @taylormadetasty on Instagram.
6 oz Miracle Noodle Angel Hair (1sp)
Grilled shrimp seasoned with @daksspices Italian Blast
Faux Pink Sauce* (2 sp) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
*Mixed 1/4 cup alfredo with crushed tomatoes
1/4 oz goat cheese
1. Prepare Miracle Noodle by rinsing for 15 seconds. Place in boiling water, then drain. In a pan over medium heat, dry out the noodles till all water is absorbed. Set aside.
2. Make your "pink sauce" by mixing Alfredo sauce with crushed tomatoes. You can do this in a food processor or blender.
3. Cook/grill your shrimp and season with Italian Blast.
4. Plate your noodles and top with sauce, shrimp, and goat cheese.