Leah Hochbaum, Hebron, Israel

Yedidya, age 20, is diagnosed with Autism and Epilepsy - and has a slew of GI and immune issues. As a result, he has been on a restricted diet since he was small.
Over the years this diet has become more and more restricted - no gluten/ grains, no dairy, no soy, no sugar, very limited carbs altogether.
He loves pasta (who doesn't?!) but usually this has been a no-no for him. Since discovering your pasta, life has been so much happier for him!!
He creates all sorts of sauces ( he is a great chef) and keeps asking (in Hebrew) for those "American" noodles (we live in Israel).
He can't wait to receive them in the mail each time - they are his favorite meal. For a kid who can barely eat too much else - this is very significant.
We also did a ketogenic diet for awhile (for his seizures) and even though we are no longer doing it - we have maintained the noodles!
Thank you so much in Yedidya's name for the yummy "American" noodles!
Yedidya's mother*